Do you like watching movies? I like watching them. Movies are very exciting and moving.
I saw some movies during this summer vacation, but I felt these movies not good, so I will recommend a movie that I saw several years ago to everyone. I will introduce The Shawshank Redemption to everyone. The film is now one of the most famous movies in America, but when this movie was released, this movie was not popular with people for some time. Therefore many people haven’t watched the film in Japan. So, if you have time, I think, you should watch this movie.
The story is about a man named Andy who was imprisoned to notorious Shawshank Prison. In 1947, Andy was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, though he was innocence. Andy was put into Shawshank Prison. Andy despaired, but he had hopes. At the prison, Andy met inmate Elli Boyd “Red” Redding who was known for cleverly smuggling various things into the prison. Andy got a rock hammer, posters and so on from him, and Andy was frank with him. Andy, who was an excellent banker before, improved the environment in the prison with his faculty. Therefore, not only prisoners but also prison guard admitted him. After that, Andy had contacted to not only process taxation business in the prison, but also hide the head’s income. But he had an idea.
If you want to know the rest of the story, I will recommend you to watch the movie.
Do you like watching movies? I like watching them. Movies are very exciting and moving.
I saw some movies during this summer vacation, but I felt these movies not good, so I will recommend a movie that I saw several years ago to everyone. I will introduce The Shawshank Redemption to everyone. The film is now one of the most famous movies in America, but when this movie was released, this movie was not popular with people for some time. Therefore many people haven’t watched the film in Japan. So, if you have time, I think, you should watch this movie.
The story is about a man named Andy who was imprisoned to notorious Shawshank Prison. In 1947, Andy was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, though he was innocence. Andy was put into Shawshank Prison. Andy despaired, but he had hopes. At the prison, Andy met inmate Elli Boyd “Red” Redding who was known for cleverly smuggling various things into the prison. Andy got a rock hammer, posters and so on from him, and Andy was frank with him. Andy, who was an excellent banker before, improved the environment in the prison with his faculty. Therefore, not only prisoners but also prison guard admitted him. After that, Andy had contacted to not only process taxation business in the prison, but also hide the head’s income. But he had an idea.
If you want to know the rest of the story, I will recommend you to watch the movie.
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